Foundations of Intelligent Supply Chain Management


Type of Enrolment

Early Bird Enrolment (until 20 September)

Standard Enrolment (from 21 September)

Industry professionals
Government employees

AUD 1,895

AUD 2,095

SCLAA members
University of Sydney students and alumni

AUD 1,695

AUD 1,895

2-5 enrolments from the same organisation

AUD 1,595

AUD 1,795

6 or more enrolments from the same organisation

AUD 1,495

AUD 1,695


There are limited places in this course and enrolments will be taken in the order in which they are received.

A waiting list will be created when the course is full.
Enrolments close on 13 October 2024. For enquiries about late enrolments, please email

Cancellations: A 10% administration fee will be applied to refunds for any cancellation; no refund will be available for cancellations made after 13 October 2024.
